Are you looking for Jug dog information such as tips and advice?
Whether you are booking to buy a puppy or a mature Jug, an complete guide is essential.
We recommend Alan Kenworthy’s Jug Dogs – The Complete Owners Guide.
This best-selling book is sold in over 300 countries worldwide and expert dog whisperer, trainer and owner, Alan Kenworthy, writes in a fun and entertaining way about Jugs while packing the book full of useful hints and tips.
In addition, breeders and owners make contributions, including three extra bonus interviews with owner stories and plenty of advice and tips.
Just some of the subjects covered include: origins and history of the Jug, different types and colors, buying a dog or puppy, male or female, pros and cons, rescue, adoption, breeders, personality, socialization, spaying, neutering, house/potty training, bringing your puppy home, grooming, combing, bathing, shows, health, vaccinations, training, understanding your Jug, play and toys, what food and nutrition, old age and what to expect, and much more…
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The book is available in both paperback or ebook (Kindle) formats from every Amazon website worldwide so just search your local Amazon for it.
You can also buy it from most bookstores worldwide who will be able to order a copy in for you.